This is what my clients had to say about their experience working with me and following my holistic approach to natural health.

Werner, 84

I started seeing Werner in February of 2022. He was 84 at the time and he was diagnosed with bone cancer. He could no longer walk.
He also suffered from duodenal ulcer and prostate problems.

4 weeks later, he was back on his feet with no pain and he was able to walk around the block without support. His health issues were gone and he also lost 50+ pounds (23 kg) of excess weight in the process.

Slav, 54

“I came across Dr. Sadji about four months ago, while watching Strong and Free Canada where the host was interviewing him about his alternative approach to healing and helping people without any pharmaceutical drugs, purely natural medicine and remedies. I am a 54 year old male and for years I have tried to shed some weight without any success. I am 182 cm tall and my weight was 98 to 102 kgs, which made me a little uncomfortable and I could see my belly starting to protrude like a “molson muscle”. Also my diet was not good, so I have decided that it was time for a drastic change. I have emailed Dr Sadji and we had an introductory meeting. After this consultation I have committed myself to the 6 months program following Dr. Sadji’s recommendations and diet. 

Within 4 months, I have lost around 18 kgs (40 lbs). I feel more energetic, eat better, healthy organic food and am still losing weight. I am feeling great and my energy level is way better than it used to be. If you are struggling with your weight and willing to commit (you need to make up your mind and just do it) Dr. Sadji can definitely help you through his coaching techniques. I would strongly recommend Dr. Sadji to anyone who wants to live a healthy and long life.” 

Slav, 54, Ontario, Canada

Annie, 73

“In February, 2022 when I heard Dr. Sadji’s interview with Iron Will Dove on Strong and Free Truthcast, I could not get that interview out of my head. Although I did not have any severe health issues, I had some symptoms of stress such as I had never experienced before. After much deliberation and thought, I decided to book a consultation with him through his website, www.coachsadji.com. I was very impressed right from the start with his holistic approach and my life has changed in many ways – physical, emotional, spiritual and even social health has improved.

How has it improved? My stress levels went down; sleep patterns improved; I unexpectedly lost excess weight through an elimination diet; my energy levels, which were pretty good before I saw him, have improved; I have also stopped taking some of the supplements and medications which I thought I would be taking for the rest of my life; I learned a lot about how my body works from the digestion system to the natural healing processes of the body; I have learned to listen to my body and gained some knowledge about how to respond to the needs of my body, and my self-esteem has improved.

What did I have to do to get the results I am getting? I had to be open to getting educated about the natural processes of the body to heal and detoxify, be disciplined, consistent and compliant on this journey to health and be observant about how the changes I was making were improving all aspects of my life.”

Annie Caldwell, 73, Alberta, Canada

Nicole, 51

“A testimonial about my health journey with Dr. Sadji.

Every now and again there are those rare individuals that you come across in your life or those inexplicable anomalies that you just somehow know you will never get an answer to. However, you can’t help wondering how miraculous your fortuitous good luck was, that God, has brought a healing of epic proportions into your body spontaneously against all odds and even defying traditional doctors, treatments and therapies as we commonly know them (hospitalizations, big pharma medications, surgery, radiation, chemo, MRI, CT scans etc.).

But I digress. Let me explain in a nutshell how I was cured of metastatic breast cancer through my experience with Dr. Sadji aka @the.healingdoc on Instagram.

Through a brief, virtual meeting online and many more of them to follow, we began working together using his approach to holistic healing. This began an immediate life change, not only in diet, but in the way I feel. Within 72 hours, my body and mind began feeling improved energy levels. I felt rested and my brain fog decreased. 

Within 2 weeks of working with Dr. Sadji I began to feel like I felt 5-7 years ago, meaning I hadn’t felt this good in that long. Rested, sleeping through the night, unstressed and energetic. The diet he put me on was definitely a change, but for the better, and I enjoyed it very much. I won’t deny it was not easy to give up some of my favorite foods, but the sacrifice was really worth it. 

Dr. Sadji is so knowledgeable, kind, patient and understanding. He is brilliant in his field and I feel honored, privileged and blessed to be working with such an excellent, amazing, ground breaking, pioneering doctor who is brave enough to go against the grain and use holistic medicine to help us heal… body, mind and soul.

Today, I am cancer free and all my blood tests are clear of any anomalies.

I am and forever shall be, humbly grateful for God bringing Dr. Sadji into my life.

Nicole. A Jackson, 51, WA, USA

Rachel, 45

“Before working with Dr. Sadji, I had intense digestive issues, debilitating mood swings, severe 17 year long cystic acne, chronic fatigue and depression.

After implementing his holistic techniques and our therapeutic sessions, every ailment naturally resolved. He gives you the tools to heal, but you must be fully committed, body, mind and soul to the challenging process.

Under Dr. Sadji’s thorough care, it’s impossible not to. He’s pragmatic to the extent he wants you to succeed. He will reveal the most beautifully healthy, happy version of you, in the most caring, brilliant way.”

Rachel Freeland, 45, NY, USA

Alexandra, 43

“If I could ask a genie for three wishes, I would seek the lamp containing Coach Sadji.

What you will learn will blow your mind.

In just eight weeks of following his instructions, my skin condition has vanished, my eye bags have disappeared, and the fat around my midriff has melted. I look and feel 10 years younger than my actual age and have no health problems whatsoever.

I will never need to visit an allopathic doctor again. 

How did he do it? You’ll have to book in for a consultation and find out.

Don’t think twice. Do it now.”

Alexandra Vessei, 43, Yorkshire, UK.

Janis, 67

“I can’t believe the difference it’s made working with Dr Sadji. I feel, and look, like a completely different person; fit, strong, healthy and very happy. I’m so grateful, thank you.’”

Janis D, 67, UK

Jeremy, 40

“Last May 2023 I had elevated liver enzymes and had very low energy. I was always sleepy and tired the whole day even after waking up in the morning. I arrive home from work tired and need to sleep before having dinner. I did all the stuff like cleaning up the diet, did fasting to a point I only ate once a day since it is claimed to be helpful for the liver to recover. I took another liver enzyme test at the end of June and to my surprise, the numbers went up 3 times. Nothing worked. I went to a doctor who prescribed me medication, but I refused to take it because the last time I took it, it damaged my kidneys. I wanted to find answers as to the root cause of my liver problems and the doctor told me my liver flares up like it has a mind of its own. I wasn’t sold on that. 

Then I came across Dr Sadji on Twitter, I had an initial consultation with him and it was an eye opener. We then met 8 times over 2 months, and starting the 4th week, energy levels came back slowly. By the end of the 8th session, energy levels were (and still are) through the roof. I no longer feel tired and sleepy. I even workout in the mornings when I wake up and no longer feel tired. 

Dr. Sadji was able to point out the ROOT CAUSE of my liver issue, then helped me resolve it, and for that I’m grateful to him. Dr. Sadji is not your typical medical doctor and he will sincerely help you until you fully recover. I am now fully recovered and I gained a true friend as well in Dr. Sadji. To those who are tired of conventional doctors who just “manage your symptoms” and don’t really address the root cause of the disease, please consult with Dr. Sadji. 

Blessings to all who will read this and I pray that you get your health back like I did.”

Jeremy Ramos, 40, The Philippines.